Teenagers & Kids Workshop

Whole Brain Integration

This workshop facilitates activation of the mid-brain through a music therapy. Mid-brain is that part of our brain which co-ordinates between our left and right brain. After the mid-brain activation, the co-ordination between both sides of the brain is greatly enhanced and both sides of the brain start developing simultaneously. This is called Whole Brain Integration.

What happens in the workshop?

The Brain Music Workshop is for 2 days (4 hours each). The workshop is based on music therapy. Children would be doing variety of activities which are very unique. There are different exercises in which different instructions are given to right and the left brain simultaneously (like drawing circle with one hand and square with other hand simultaneously any many more) which helps in the development of right and left brain simultaneously. Brain gym, fun games, confidence building activities etc are taken. Children are made to listen to the mid-brain activation music. After the workshop, a special music for advance development of the brain is given which helps in the ongoing brain development of the child.


Academic & Non academic Benefits

1) Photographic Memory: After the workshop the right brain gets developed to an extent where children can memorize things in the form of images and that too at much faster speed. 2) Long Term Memory: The things memorized by the child are saved in the right brain which is responsible for long term memory. The children are trained in the techniques to save images in right brain in and after the workshop. 3) Concentration Enhancement: The most important benefit is that the child’s concentration span increases and the child is able to focus more on any activity for a longer period of time including studies. 4) Improves IQ & EQ: The overall development of the brain takes place after the workshop which naturally leads to better EQ & IQ. 5) Confidence Boosting: Due to the various group activities in the workshop, the child’s confidence increases which results in better performance of the child. 6) Creativity Enhancement: As a result of increased IQ, EQ & Confidence, the child becomes naturally creative. 7) Boosts Pr


Every parent dreams of seeing a genius in their child. We, at Brain Music International, know that every child is not only different but is also special. We help in fulfilling your dream of seeing a genius in your child through grooming the potential that is hidden in them. It is done through this new technology of BRAIN STIMULATION / MID-BRAIN ACTIVATION with the help of brain music.


Mid-Brain Theory:

We have 2 sides of our brain, the right and the left. When we use our right hand, our left side of the brain develops whereas when we use our left hand, our right side of the brain develops. As we all use either the right side of the body or the left side of our body more often, our opposite side of the brain is developed. That means Righties will have left brain stronger whereas Lefties will have their right brain stronger. According to the theory of the Left or the Right brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of functions. Left brain is responsible for logical thinking, calculations, analytical and objective thinking. It is also responsible for critical thinking, dealing with numbers and reasoning. Whereas the right brain is responsible for Photographic Memory, Long term memory, Intuitiveness and thoughtfulness. It is also responsible for expressing emotions and for creativity. But the latest research shows that abilities in subjects such as Maths are actually strongest when both halves of the brain work together.



Benefits of the Course:

Since mid-brain activation is once in a life time phenomenon, mid-brain once activated is activated for life time. So the benefits of the course will be for life time. We are working on the brain of the child which is the most important part of our body. Brain is a part which is used till our last breath and is used in every area of our life, whether its academics, sports, business, job or any work that the children do in future. So investing on the brain would be a very wise decision as we do nothing for the brain apart from giving stess to our brain. This special music reduces the stress of the child and makes them emotionally balanced individuals which is very essential for thier health, career and for acheiving success in their lives.


Photographic Memory:

It is very well known that what we see can be retained in our memory more strongly than whatever we learn in the form of text.Whatever we see gets stored in our right brain in the form of photographs and right brain has long term memory. Whereas whatever we learn in the form of text gets stored in our left brain which has short term memory. Right brain has long term memory and it stores information in the form of photographs. This is called Photographic Memory. After the mid brain acvtivation, as the right side of the brain gets highly developed, the photographic memory also gets enhanced. In the Follow-up sessions of the Brain Music workshop, the child is trained in the photographic memory techniques through which  the child can then memorize the text also in the form of lasting images with profound speed. This helps the child to remember things for much longer duration and that too by just reading it twice or thrice. This saves a lot of time, energy and effort which the child normally has to spend in revision.

Concentration Enhancement: 

Concentration is very important in whatever we do whether it is academics or sports or any other thing. Without complete concentration, no one can achieve the desired results. But how good is our child's concentration? Every parent is worried as children nowadays get distracted very easily and are struggling to focus. The activities taken in the Brain Music Workshop increases the concentration of the child to a great extent. The child can then focus on studies and other activities to a higher level. Desired results can be achieved due to increased concentration. 

Long Term Memory:
Everyone might have experienced that we tend to remember certain things for a lifetime whereas at the same time we forget little things. The fact is, it is our right side of the brain that is responsible for long-term memory. When a child tries to memorize certain things, it gets stored in the right brain. One of the important benefits of this workshop is, children are trained in such techniques, that can help them to save the images in the right brain so that it lasts for a longer period.

Improves IQ & EQ:
To have a higher Intelligence quotient & Emotional quotient, our complete brain must be at work all the time and that too in co-ordination. To get the benefits of both sides of our brain, it is necessary to have the integration of whole-brain. This can happen only after the activation of the mid-brain and it takes place in the workshop. The music provided in the workshop helps the ongoing development of EQ & IQ. After the workshop the child becomes more emotionally stable and is in a better position to handle the ups and downs in life which are inevitable in anyone's life.

Confidence Boosting:
When a child's midbrain gets activated and through various group activities taken in the workshop, they start memorizing things faster & retain them easily. By experiencing these changes in themselves, their self-esteem increases and they gain more confidence. This increased confidence level in children makes them perform to another level that is beyond imagination.

Creativity Enhancement:
When we talk about creativity, we think only about being creative in artistic expression. But being creative is far beyond that.It is being able to think and do thin gs differently and uniquely. When a person is doing business or doing a job, be it in any field, he/she needs to be more creative. Until and unless your ideas and your projection of the ideas are not creative or unique enough, the chances of getting success is dim. People have to be really creative and thoughtful to attract customers in business. After the mid brain activation, the child's spontaneity and creativity increases to a great extent.

Boosts Productivity :

As a result of improvement in Child's memorising capacity, concentration and confidence, the child's productivity increases to a great extent. They perform well not only in academics but their overall performance increases.

Sleep Pattern : 

After the workshop the music that is provided for further development of the brain also helps in the improvement of the sleep pattern of the child. By listening to the given music, the child's brain gets completely relaxed every night and the child is able to go in deep & sound sleep. We are aware of the importance of sound sleep in both physical and mental development of the child. Also sound sleep ensures better concentration on the next day at school.

Having experienced improved memory, increased concentration, high confidence level, and all the other benefits from this midbrain activation workshop, your child can have extraordinary results throughout their lives which ultimately would fulfill your dream of seeing a genius in them.


Overall, this mid brain activation workshop can help your child have a great future with great ease.